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Email and phone

Direct: (480) 965-4586 | Reception: (480) 965-6281 (dial +1 first if calling internationally)

Physical location

Arizona State University | School of International Letters and Cultures (SILC) 

851 S. Cady Mall | Durham Hall | Fourth Floor - Offices DH 404F

Tempe, Arizona, USA 85281

Mailing address

Arizona State University
School of International Letters and Cultures (SILC)
Council for Arabic and Islamic Studies
P.O. Box 870202
Tempe, Arizona, USA 85281-0202

Operating hours

Operating hours vary. The University is closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and university and public holidays.

View a map of our location.

Receive updates

Email to receive future news, event, and initiative updates from the Council.

Please include your name, preferred email address, phone number, and ASU or community affiliation.

Council for Arabic and Islamic Studies

(CAIS) | Arizona State University (ASU)

A council of the The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Learn more about the Council's staff and affiliates.