Publications and research

CAIS publications
- Perspectives of Five Kuwaiti Women in Leadership Roles: Feminism, Islam, and Politics, 2019, Souad Ali
- The Road to Two Sudans, 2014, Souad Ali
- A Religion, Not a State: Ali ‘Abd al-Raziq’s Islamic Justification of Political Secularism, 2009, Souad Ali
- Retrieving Subjugated Voices: the Marginalized, Colonized, and Out of Place. An edited volume, under signed contract with Equinox Publishing, Sheffield (UK), Souad Ali and Emily Silverman
- English Translation of Ali ‘Abd al-Raziq’s Islam and the Foundations of Rule: Research on the Caliphate and Government in Islam, in progress, Souad Ali
- Gender Reforms in Islamic Contexts: Modern Perspectives on Gender Issues, Arab, African, and Muslim Women, in progress, Souad Ali
- Sufism and Democracy: The Role of Tolerance in Both Islam and Democracy, in progress, Souad Ali
- Sufism and the Shatahat: A New Reading of Abu-Hamid al-Ghazali, Subjugated Voices: the Marginalized, Colonized, and Out of Place, in progress, Souad Ali
- Mariama Ba, In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History, 2019, Souad Ali
- Diglossia: Sudanese and Egyptian DIalects Compared to Standard Arabic, Sudan Studies Association Bulletin, Volume 34, 2017, Souad Ali
- Sara Akbar: Female Kuwaiti Hero and Leader in the Oil Industry, Hawwa: A Journal for Women of the Middle East and the Islamic World, Volume 14, No. 2, 2016, Souad Ali
- The Central Argument, The Caliphate and Islamic Statehood: Formation, Fragmentation and Modern Interpretation, Volume III - Book Chapter, 2015, Souad Ali
- The Role of Muslim Women in Engendering Peace: Bilad Al-Sudan- Sudan and Nigeria, Women and Peace in the Islamic World: Gender, Agency and Influence, 2015, Souad Ali
- A Brief Reflection on Islamic Theology and the Muslim Faith, Emeritus Voices, Journal of the ASU Emeritus College, vol. 11, 2013 Souad Ali
- Gender Studies and Women: Methodologies, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Women, vol. 1, New York: Oxford University Press, 2013, Souad Ali
- Barlas, Asma, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Women, vol. 1, New York: Oxford University Press, 2013, Souad Ali
- Barazangi, Nimat Hafez, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Women, vol. 1., New York: Oxford University Press, 2013, Souad Ali
- Feminism in Islam: A Critique of Polygamy in Mariama Ba’s Epistolary Novel: So Long A Letter, Hawwa: A Journal for Women of the Middle East and the Islamic World, vol. 10.3, 2012, Souad Ali
- Grate ne Islam dhe Shogeria Civile: Paraqitje e Shperputhjeve ne mes te Religjionit dhe Kultures, Lijgerate mbi Ceshtjet Gjinore (Albanian), 2010 and 2011, Souad Ali
- Women in Islam and Civil Society: An Overview of the Disparity between Religion and Culture, A Lecture on Gender Issues, Kosovar Gender Studies Centre, 2009-2010, Souad Ali
- Identity, Gender, and Politics in Buthaina Khidr Mekki's Novel Hujūl min Shawk (Anklets of Thorns), The Ahfad Journal: Women and Change, Omdurman (Sudan): Ahfad University. Volume 23, No. 2., 2006, Souad Ali
- Muslim Women’s Rights: Religion and Tradition., Islam and the Contemporary World: Tolerance, Peace-building, and Women’s Rights in Islam. Editor, YEAR, Souad Ali
- Sarajevo: Priručnik za Nastavnice i Nastavnike Islamske Vjeronauke o Mirovnoj Dimenziji Islama, Priredila: Amra Pandžo, Sarajevo, Udruženje za Dijalog u Porodici i Društvu Mali Koraci (in Bosnian), 2008, Souad Ali
- Abd al-Karim al-Kabli: Sudanese Singer/Folklorist, Biographical Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East and North Africa, vol. 1, 2008, Souad Ali
- Aspects of Grammatical Negation in Cairene, Sudanese, and Modern Standard Arabic, Al-Mashriq: A Quarterly Journal of Middle East Studies, vol. 7, no. 27, 2008, Souad Ali
- Hadith Transmission: A Brief Survey of Contributions made by Western Scholars–Goldziher, Schacht, and Juynboll, DAHESH VOICE, Volume 12. No. 2 New York
- City, 2007
- Religious Practices: Preaching and Women Preachers (Sudan), Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures, 2007, Souad Ali
- Review of Nimat Hafez Barazangi’s Woman Identity and the Quran: A New Reading, University of Florida Press, Anthropology and EducationQuarterly, vol. 36, 2005, Souad Ali
- Ali ‘Abd al-Raziq and the Controversy Over the Idea of the Islamic State, Journal of Middle Eastern and North African Intellectual and Cultural Studies, Volume II Issue II, 2004, Souad Ali
- Al-Suhrwardi and the Philosophy of Illumination, DAHESH VOICE, vol. 13, no. 51, 2003, Souad Ali
The Council's affiliated faculty are actively engaged in their respective areas of expertise in Arabic and Islamic Studies. The following books are some of the major contributions to their respective areas:
- Women and Peace in the Islamic World: Gender, Agency and Influence. I.B. Tauris. 2015, Chad Haines and Yasmin Saikia
- Black Morocco: A History of Slavery, Race, and Islam. Cambridge University Press. 2014, Chouki El Hamel
- Their Second Republic: Islamism in the Sudan from Disintegration to Oblivion. Ashgate Publishers. 2014, Abdullahi Gallab
- Becoming Muslim in Imperial Russia: Conversion, Apostasy, and Literacy. Cornell University Press. 2014, Agnes Kefeli
- Contested Terrain: Reflections with Afghan Women Leaders. University of Illinois Press. 2014, Sally Kitch
- Education and Curricular Perspectives in the Qur'an. Lexington Books. 2014, Sarah Risha
- Nation, Territory, and Globalization in Pakistan: Traversing the Margins. Routledge. 2012, Chad Haines
- A Civil Society Deferred: the Tertiary Grip of Violence in the Sudan. Florida University Press. 2011, Abdullahi Gallab
- Ghosts of Revolution: Rekindled Memories of Imprisonment in Iran. Stanford University Press. 2011, Shahla Talebi
- Muharramat, Qabaliah, (Tribal Taboos). Arab Cultural Centre – Beirut, Lebanon. 2008, Miral Al-Tahaway Mahgoub (in Arabic)
- The First Islamist Republic: Development and Disintegration of Islamism in the Sudan. Ashgate Publishers. 2008, Abdullahi Gallab